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How to Care for Your Crystals!

Crystals carry so much energy in them, so before you use them, it's important to cleanse their energies and set your intention to them. We'll explain more on this below in Cleansing your Crystals!

Crystals are also fragile, so handling them with care is essential - although if you do drop one, don't worry too much - We like to think it means the crystal needed to get rid of some unwanted energy with a bang!

Some crystals can lose their colour if they're left in direct sunlight, so it's better to store them in a shaded spot or drape a silk scarf over them when you aren't using them.

If you want to physically clean your crystal, here are a few tips:

Dust and Fingerprints

For smooth crystals/stones, using a microfibre cloth can get rid of fingerprints and oils from handling them. You could use a glasses cloth.

Clusters and raw stones are more fragile than polished ones, so a feather duster, a blusher brush or a clean shaving foam brush are nice and soft and wont damage them, but can get in the nooks and crannies and get out the dust!

Dirt, Mud and Sticky Stuff


MOST stones can be cleaned with water - we have a list of which crystals CANNOT go in water down below in our Cleansing Your Crystals section.

If something gets spilled on your crystal, dab it off immediately and rinse with cold water.

If it's sticky or greasy - you can use a MILD soap and just rub off the stickiness/greasiness with your fingers (not nails - please don't scratch your crystals)

If you really can't get it off, a soft bristled tooth brush used GENTLY should do the trick.

Caring for your Crystals

Cleansing Your Crystals!

First things first...
There are many different ways to cleanse your crystals, a common way to cleanse them is with water. However there are quite a few crystals that should not come in contact with water as it can damage or completely destroy them.
I'll tell you here which crystals shouldn't go in water and why.
This is the Mohs Hardness Scale of common crystals and minerals.
The softer crystals (0-5) are best off not going in water.
These shouldn't come in contact with water!



2 - 3

3 - 4

4 - 5

5 - 6

6 - 7

7 - 8

8 - 9

9 - 10


Gypsum, Chrysocolla, Amber, Lepidolite, Pearl, Selenite, Halite (Rock Salt)

Calcite, Celestite, Cerussite, Coral, Azurite, Malachite, Angelite, Jet stone

Fluorite, Rhodocrosite, Ammolite, Larimar, Charoite

Apatite, Apophyllite, Obsidian, Cats Eye, Chrome/Star Diopside, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Opal, Rhodonite, Hematite

Orthoclase feldspar, Carnelian, Opalite, Peridot, Kyanite, Moonstone, Labradorite, Amazonite, Chrysoprase, Chalcedony, Zircon, Bloodstone, Jade

Quartz, Tigers Eye, Amethyst, Citrine, Agate, Rose Quartz, Jasper, Citrine, Agate, Garnet, Mookite, Smoky Quartz, Tourmaline, Danburite, Ametrine, Aventurine, Rutile Quartz, Kunzite, Onyx

Topaz, Goshenite, Morganite, Beryl, Aquamarine, Emerald

Corundum, Ruby, Sapphire


Most of the rest are fine to cleanse with water!
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The crystals with a hardness of 5 or lower can dissolve or crack if left in water for an extended amount of time. Some will release toxins in the water.

Some harder crystals should also be kept out of water. These include crystals that contain minerals that can rust, lose colour or release toxins in water. Some of these include: Magnetite, Hematite, Jade and Tangerine Quartz.
OKAY! On to cleansing!
Cleansing your Crystals
Cleansing with Water
As mentioned before, you can cleanse your harder crystals with water.
A natural water source is best - spring water, ocean water or rain water is perfect, tap water is okay in a pinch, but filter it or boil & cool (distil) it before use.
Or you can use moon water too - this is distilled/filtered water that has been left out to soak up the light of the moon.

How To Use Water To Cleanse Your Crystals
~ Bathe them in the water, fully submerge the stones and let them soak in the water for as long as you feel they need. Dispose of the water afterwards as some crystals release toxins into the water.
~ You can hold them under running water.
~ You can leave them outside in the rain - you could even put them in a bowl so they soak in the built up rain water too - dispose of the rainwater that has had crystals soaking in it. Some crystals can release toxins into it.
~ Mist your crystals - use collected moon water, rain water or distilled water in a gardening mister or spray bottle on mist setting.
Cleansing with Smoke
Make sure to open a window before hand to not set off any smoke alarms!

If there is a strong breeze, you may struggle to keep a steady stream so set up a barrier between you and the open window.

It is best to prepare before cleansing your crystals with smoke.
Light your incense or smudge/sage stick, make sure it is definitely burning and blow out the flame. There should be a red smouldering tip and a stream of smoke coming from it. Use a heat/fireprove dish to collect the ashes.
Cleanse yourself and the room. Hold the stick in your hand, hover it around your head, down the front and back of your body and around your feet. Have a purifying intention while you do this. Then go to each corner of the room and move the stick in fluid movements around from the floor to the ceiling. Do this to the entryway(s) too.

Now your space is cleansed, you can move onto your crystals.

You can set down the smudge stick in the dish or incense in an incense holder, and let the stream of smoke rise. Either leave it in the dish or pick it up if you feel comfortable to. Then you can hold the stone above the stick and move it through the smoke, adjust your grip on the stone occasionally to make sure the smoke touches the entire surface of it.

Alternatively, you can hold the stone in the palm of your hand and direct the smoke towards it with your other hand, or by holding the stick in the other hand and moving it all around the stone, turning the stone over occasionally to make sure the smoke touches the entire surface.

You can be setting cleansing, purifying intentions while you do this. 

Once you sense the crystal is cleansed you can move onto the next - trust your intuition.
Cleansing with Other Crystals
Other Crystals
Crystals such as Selenite, Clear Quartz, Citrine and Carnelian can absorb energy from everything around them so they are great for cleansing your other crystals.
Clear Quartz, Citrine and Carnelian still need to be cleansed themselves before cleansing other crystals.
Selenite has self-cleansing properties and is the master cleanser of the crystal world. It is always working it's magic and it even charges the stones as it cleanses, this makes it our favourite cleansing crystal!

All you have to do is place the stones you want cleansing on top of or next to but touching, the crystals mentioned above for 24 hours and it should be cleansed and ready to set your intention to them.

Selenite plates and bowls are a great addition to any crystal collection. We have a few here available for adoption!
Cleansing with Moonlight/Sunlight
Moonlight & Sunlight
Moonlight and sunlight can both cleanse and charge your crystals. Sunlight can discolour some of your crystals due to prolonged exposure, these include Aquamarine, Beryl, Sapphires and Quartz stones like Citrine, Amethyst and Rose Quartz. It can also damage stones that are affected by heat such as Opal, which can crack when it gets too hot.
Moonlight is much safer as you don't need to worry about any discolouring or heat.

When cleansing your crystals, make sure they're spread apart, not in a cluster. You could even place them in a circle or spiral - whatever your intuition tells you.

To cleanse your stones with moonlight, all you have to do is leave them in a dry spot outside over night and bring them back inside at dawn. If it's raining and you have crystals that can be damaged by water, you can leave them on a windowsill inside where the moon is visible. The lunar energy is at it's most powerful during the full moon, which make it the perfect time to cleanse or charge your crystals.

The full moon is a great time to make some moon water too! Get a jar of natural or distilled tap water and leave it out where the moonlight will touch it over night. You can then use this to cleanse stones that are safe in water throughout the month and still have the cleansing energy of the full moon.
If it's a rainy night, put some un-lidded empty jars outside too, to collect some moon rain water!

To cleanse your stones with sunlight, it's better to do the same technique as above but for a much shorter period of time - 30 minutes to an hour, but trust your intuition - especially stones that discolour or are damaged with prolonged exposure. It is also nice to cleanse them with the light from the sunrise or sunset as it is tamer and cooler than the full midday sun.

A great way to encorporate both sunlight and moonlight is to put your crystals out before you go to sleep so they get the effect of the moonlight, then when you wake up, move them to a spot that the light will touch while the sun comes up, so they can soak up the sunlight for 30 minutes to an hour!

If you want to charge your crystals with sun and/or moonlight, it is best to cleanse them another way before hand.
Cleansing with Sound
Singing bowls, chanting, tuning forks and instruments are a great way to quickly cleanse your crystals and cleanse a lot at once.

The vibrations you create with sound emerse and penerate the crystals and "re-tune" them in a way only sound can. This leaves them cleansed and ready for you to set your intention to them.

When playing music loud enough, you can feel the music vibrating through your body, the booming bass notes and twinkling high notes. You also feel this sensation with singing bowls, tuning forks and when playing instruments.
The sensations you feel are the same vibrations that penetrate the crystal and knock it's energies and vibrations back into balance. This is why meditation with sound is a great way to re-balance your own vibrations!
Chanting mantras and your intentions loud enough can cleanse crystals, it helps when visualising the negative energies being washed away with each sound wave you produce. I prefer to play with my singing voice with all the vowels and moving up and down in fequency, getting louder when I feel comfortable and feel the vibrations of the sound throughout my throat and head.

It doesn't matter what note on whatever instrument you play. As long it is

high energy!
Just play it loud and proud!

Traditional singing bowls are handmade from brass or bronze and may use five or seven different metals in their creation. Some are hammered, some are cast.
Singing bowls are placed on a cushion which enhances the sound. They also should come with a wooden stick which is used to sound them. The bowls emit a deep or high pitched tone similar to a brass bell but will continuously ring - or sing!
You can also get beautiful crystal singing bowls!
(We're trying to get our hands on some)

Place a cushion on a flat surface with the bowl on top - or placing the bowl on a carpet/rug can work too.
Place your stones around the cushion or bowl if it's on the carpet/rug.
DON'T place your crystals inside the bowl, the vibrations between the bowl and the crystal could chip or crack them.
Strike the side of the bowl with the wooden stick, it should sound like a long bell ring.
Keeping firm but gentle contact with the bowl, move the stick clockwise around it so the ringing continues.
Do this for as long as you feel is necessary, stop when you feel the time is right.

You can also leave the crystals where they are and bring the bowl to them holding it on a cushion in one hand and sounding it with the wooden stick with the other.
Hold the bowl close enough to the crystals so the vibrations can immerse them.
Cleansing with Earth
Mother Earth is one of our most grounding elements and standing barefoot in soil, sand or grass can immediately cleanse and reinvigorate your spirit. The same can be said for crystals.

Burying your crystals in the soil or natural sand from the beach is an awesome way of re-grounding them and helping the bad energy to seep away.The burial method is one of the heavier duty choices for those wanting to give their gems a good shake up and get them squeaky clean after some serious energy work.

Find a safe and sacred spot for burying your stones, maybe it’s a place that seems special to you or in the shadow of a favorite tree or even in your own garden. Don't choose a place so public that they could be stolen. Also mark the spot that they're buried so you don't loose them!

Or you can get a plant pot and fill it with soil from the earth or sand from the beach and place it outside once the stones are buried.

We would recommend that softer stones that shouldn't go in water (mentioned above) should avoid soil, especially if you're planning on burying them outside. Dry sand would probably be okay, but use your intuition - if you're worried at all, don't do it.

Bury them in the soil (only a few inches deep is necessary).
Leave for a minimum of 24 hours or even as long as three days - However long you feel your crystals need, trust your intuition.
Stones that adore earth cleansing include Tigers Eye, Citrine, Carnelian, Jasper, Calcite and Agate.
Setting Your Intention
Setting Your Intention
Arguably the most important step when using crystals.

You need to tell them what you want to gain from them. Setting an intention for your crystal basically means giving it a purpose.

But you should also keep in mind that your intentions and desires should follow the crystal’s natural properties.

It is known that some crystals don't work well together, however this is because the intentions were clashing rather than the crystals themselves.

For example, if you grab an amethyst and a sunshine calcite, the calming and soothing amethyst with block out the calcite's motivation boost and it's ability to sharpen your mind - or vice versa.
However they would pair nicely together if you are looking to let go of some anger. The amethyst will help dissipate the build up of rage, while the calcite will help you build emotional intelligence, so you can understand why you're feeling these emotions without getting stuck in them.

So the point is, you must tell the crystal what you want to gain or it won't work how you want it to.

How To Set Your Intention:

~ First cleanse your crystals (Explained above)

~ Have a clear mind, so maybe meditate, take some deep breaths or do something you find calming before you start.

~ Hold the crystal in your hand.

~ Write down your intention, say it out loud or do both.

~ Say or write it as if it has already happened and that you are thanking the crystal for it's help in your journey.

~ Visualize yourself turning this intention into reality.

~ Place your crystal on your third eye chakra
(The centre of your forehead, above your eyebrows)
and visualize yourself living out your intentions.

~ Place your crystal over your heart and send these feelings out to the universe with gratitude that your intention is already set up and coming to fruition.

~ Take some more deep breaths when you feel your intention is set, and don’t forget to say thank you!

Here are all our Crystals:

(So Far)
Click on the buttons below to find out about specific crystals or scroll down to find out about cleansing, charging and caring for your stones!

More Coming Soon!

Credit where credit is due!

To learn all of this I used the following sites & blogs:
Thank you all for imparting
your wisdom!

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