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  • Our Stone To Metal Collection is unique and full of character. Its a mixture of Medieval, viking, fairy ancient molten enchanted magical metal.

    This beautiful piece was created from the flow of the soul a nice piece of peacock ore carefully hand soldered in organic style puter complete with plaited leather cord with a beautifully hand crafted hammered copper clasp.

    The colours on these pretty rocks grows naturally in a very thin layer on the top of the rock. Peacock Ore is also known as Bornite - it's a copper iron sulfide mineral commonly found in hydrothermal veins and contact metamorphic rocks which tarnishes to iridescent shades of blue, purple, green and gold.

    Peacock Ore is a stone of happiness and joy, it is said to turn you in positive directions, and help channel happiness to others; generally a stone of upliftment.

    The most lovely gift of this stone is that it brings you the ability to see and appreciate the joy available in every moment, as well as a feeling of acceptance that all is exactly as it should be, exactly as it is…whats not to love!

    It is said to encourage an understanding that there is nothing wrong in any aspect of your life, but it is all down to your perception of it, everything is for purposeful good.

    Peacock Ore is said to be one of the most powerful stones when used in conjunction with chakra healing as it’s energy is such that when placed on one

    Peacock Ore Stone To Metal Organic Pendant

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